László Németh Memorial Room
The 73-square-metre room presents the life of László Németh, a writer from Hódmezővásárhely, and preserves the memory of his human and family background. The room not only serves as an exhibition, but also as a space for extraordinary literature classes. Until 1942, László Németh edited the journal Kelet népe (People of the East) alongside one of the greatest Hungarian writers, Zsigmond Móricz. This is why the writer visited Tanyai Tanulók Otthona (the Home for Farmhouse Pupils) in 1940, accompanying Móricz. This captivated him so much that he donated the entire royalties from his play "Cseresnyés" to the talent rescue service. As a sign of gratitude, the institution subsequently renamed itself Cseresnyés College. In 1945, the leaders of the Reformed Church and High School offered him a teaching position, which he accepted, and the writer's relationship with the city grew even closer. For a few years he worked as a teacher at the Gábor Bethlen High School and also at the Leánygimnázium (Girls' High School). He wrote several plays during his years in Hódmezővásárhely, and after moving from the city in 1954 he returned regularly to translate works by Shakespeare and Ibsen. The memorial room dedicated to the life's work of one of the greatest Hungarian thinkers of the last century is located in the former girls' high school building, where the writer lived between 1947 and 1948.